Current state and prospects of biomedical engineering: materials of the Internakonal scienkfic and prackcal conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Insktute
Collection of reports of the International scientific and practical conference "Current state and prospects of biomedical engineering", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Igor
Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. A wide range of issues in the field of biomedical engineering are considered, such as: problems and prospects of biomedical engineering as an educational and scientific field; clinical engineering, diagnostic and treatment technologies; medical instrumentation and biomedical electronics;
regenerative bioengineering, biopharmaceutical engineering, medical biotechnology; rehabilitation engineering, physical therapy, occupational therapy; biomedical cybernetics, telemedicine, intelligent systems in medicine.
It is intended for scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of scientific institutions, pharmaceutical, medical, and biological education institutions, doctoral students, postgraduate students, students, employees of
enterprises and public organizations.